Safe Distance Scale
Although not officially adopted by OSHA, the device is based on data from "A Review of Machine-Guarding Recommendations," by Donald R. Vaillancourt and Stover H. Snook of the Liberty Mutual Research Center for Health & Safety. This data redefines the dimensions of the human arm for the purposes of machine guarding. The resulting new stick has been modified to include openings of less than 1/4 inch over the first 1/2 inch distance.
Guarding machinery by means of hard (fixed) barriers is one of the main ways of protecting personnel from point-of-operation hazards. The device is the easiest means of verifying that openings in hard guarding will not allow the point-of-operation to be accessed by the operator.
Scientific Technologies Incorporated (STI), 1780 Mclean Ave., Unit #9, Port Coquitlam, AB V3C 4K9. Tel: 604-941-0077; Fax: .